My World Of Malls - Kids' Mall
                                              The World's Largest Shopping Mall
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The purpose of the website is to make shopping easier for the users by giving access to websites of designers, brand names, and departmental stores from a single screen. If you choose clothes option on menu then you will be directly taken to clothing section of the website. It will do the same thing for Shoes, Purses, Perfume, Skin Care, Jewelry, Electronics etc.

For example, when you choose "Designers" option of clothing for women, it will display the list of leading designers for the women’s clothing. When you choose a particular designer, you will be taken directly to the clothing page of the designer’s website making it easier for you to shop. This is also true for departmental stores and specializing/brand stores.

Choice of Companies

The companies are selected by popularity. We encourage clients to send suggestions to make the website more useful. Different browsers behave differently. If you have any problem on reaching any website or a web page, please send an email to with browser’s name. The WorldOfMalls appreciates the help.

The MyWorldOfMalls has no financial or any other relationship with any of the companies represented in the menus except It does not derive any income by placing company on the menu or when you make purchase from a company.

The MyWorldOfMalls could not place a small number of leading companies on the specializing menus as they do not allow direct access to their specific web page. You will find them in the general options of "Designers/Brands" or "Dept. Stores". If you do not find the company of your choice, let the WorldOfMalls know by sending an email to

The registered trademarks used on this page are registered tradmark of respective companies.
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